Digital Strategy

Digital media play an important role in mainstream marketing and can give companies an opportunity to completely rethink their business. Short term, Accenttech Media helps clients to improve their existing sites, deliver better return on investment (ROI), add more value and services, and get their staff working together more effectively. Longer term, we recommend scenario planning techniques and digital options cards to map out a vision of what a digital offer might look like in three to five years time. We also recommend content management tools, resources and systems to make online operations run smoothly.

The possibilities and promise of digital communications seem infinite. Each new development brings something of value and convenience to the consumer and fresh opportunities for businesses to build revenue and brand loyalty. The integration of information technologies can lead to huge creative breakthroughs when companies pay attention to what customers crave and find useful rather than to what the technologies can do. Accenttech Media has developed in-depth technical understanding and insights into what customers want and expect from digital media and shaped these into digital programmes for clients. The web is one important part of this. Digital media can add most business value when part of a wider communications, marketing and brand strategy.

The rapid growth of broadband has meant that video, streaming technologies and the latest versions of Flash can now offer users a much richer experience through the internet, without compromising accessibility. This allows content owners to bring campaigns to life and to explain complex propositions in a clear and succinct manner, by combining voice, image and data. Accenttech Media offers a range of these rich media services in-house, with a back-up team of specialists for more complex projects. We can also reshape the same content for other formats, such as trade shows, exhibitions or laptop presentations.