How we do what we do

We have extensive experience in working within the context of our clients’ vision, mission, and financial realities. Accenttech integrates operations effectiveness and IT into clients’ business strategies.

We work with organisations across the world to deliver technology and innovation to meet the challenges of a changing world. Accenttech believes that strong strategies must be based on deep understanding of industries, and that when it comes to implementation, one solution or approach does not fit all industries. Our in-depth industry understanding is a decisive factor in designing the best strategies and solutions, with many of our consultants having direct industry management experience at senior levels.

Our consultants are trained to concentrate on facts rather than opinions, and looks at causes rather than symptoms. We sort out the problem, clarifying what it is and what is not. There is the flexibility of spending enough time to subject complex situations to close and systematic examination and resolving problems into key elements. We use this process of identification and dissection to facilitate the orderly arrangement of information gathered, which may be present in a confused state, into logical arrangements, as a result promoting understanding and pointing the way to an appropriate decision. Communicating a precise structure and terminology to our clients makes evaluating problems within a clearly defined framework.

We combine our expertise in information technology and business strategy, management and operational process, the Internet, database, voice and video technologies to construct integrated solutions.

Accenttech Consulting Group is an information technology firm offering information-based consulting, integration technology and IT outsourcing services.

Accenttech Business Group is a business process outsourcing organisation providing application solutions in the areas of logistics and supply chain management, finance, eBusiness, eCommerce, eProcurement, eMarketing, eGovernment and analytics implementing high-technology business architecture, infrastructure and processes.

Accenttech Direct Worldwide is a consulting company specializing in marketing of high-technology products in international markets. A leading direct marketer of computers, hardware and software, offering a broad line of brand name products primarily to businesses in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Accenttech sells its products via a staff of customer-dedicated account executives utilizing proactive outbound telephone-based sales, a customer-focused face-to-face sales force, electronic commerce and marketing and via the Internet.